Suspension Simulation with Three.js

Project Overview:

This project simulates the suspension system of the SAE Baja vehicle I designed the embedded electronics for.

There are multiple types of terrain bumps based on what we encountered in our last competition.

In the future, this simulation will be based entirely on the data gathered from that event.

At the moment this is only a simulation, not based on any sort of data! ( This feature is coming soon 🙂 ).

I cannot model the data after our last race, as a result of a physical malfunction ( unrelated to the sensor system ).

In the future, I will be able to model our race data provided there are no malfunctions.

Front Suspension Simulation

Selected: Buttons

How the sensor works:

The sensor is a device that measures the angle of the suspension arm relative to the body of the vehicle. It sends this data to the microcontroller, which then logs the data.

Selected: Buttons

The sensor is a rotary potentiometer, the voltage output of which is proportional to the angle of the suspension arm. The microcontroller reads this voltage and converts it to an angle.