Quadroscopic Camera Project
Project Overview:
A while ago I found the video below on youtube, a quadroscopic camera that captures 4 photos simultaneously and then stitches them together to make a gif that has qualities of a 3D image. I thought it was a cool project and decided to recreate it. The model was created in Fusion360 and the animations were done in Blender. The model was then exported to a glb file and imported into this project using the react-three-fiber library. This is just a prototype and I plan to add more features and finish this project in the future.
Now to give you a summary of the video: The camera is based on the Nishika N8000, a 35mm film camera that captures 4 photos simultaneously. The film is then developed and the photos are stitched together to create a gif that has qualities of a 3D image. The creator of the video decided to recreate the camera using 3D printing and a raspberry pi. The camera captures 4 photos using 4 Arducams as well as an QuadArducam hat for the raspberry pi. The photos are then stitched together using a python script and the final gif is stored. A battery pack is used to power the cameras and pi.
How the Nishika 8000D Works:
The Nishika 8000D is a 35mm film camera that captures 4 photos simultaneously. The camera has 4 lenses and 4 shutters that are triggered at the same time.
The film is then developed and the photos are stitched together to create a gif that has qualities of a 3D image.
How can I recreate this?
Well, it was a bit difficult trying to get everything to work with no reference whatsoever, but I was able to get some test footage out of it, and soon I will have it fully working. Credit to
360° Camera View
Selected: Rotate
Exploding Camera View
Selected: Auto